
Showing posts from May, 2021

Me and the Web

  The World Wide Web and I      When thinking about how I interact with the web I started to look at just how much I use all the different forms of social media. I was shocked to find just how much time I waste scrolling through the likes of Instagram, Twitter, and Youtube. In the past week alone I spent a combined 52 hours on all these apps alone. 40 of those hours were spent watching videos on Youtube, seven hours coming from scrolling through Instagram and five hours coming from scrolling through Twitter. My youtube watch time alone eclipsed two full days of videos which is a staggering thing to think about. After this revelation I started to think about just how much time these platforms take up and how to be able to stop myself from continuing this trend. It seemed like the 52 hours of that week didn't mean much to past me, but to present me, that time could have been used for more productive activities.       Now when looking at my digital footprint, despite all the time I sp

Final Blog Post

  Social Media and My Consumption     Social Media has been one of the most popular forms of media within the past 20 years. With this popularity also comes the droves of people who are using these sites during their day to day lives. While some forms of social media attract a younger crowd like TikTok or Instagram, other attract an older audience such as Facebook and Pintrest. When it boils down, people are using these platforms as a way of connecting to other people who have the same interests as they do. That is the main pull of social media, it sucks you in with an addictive algorithm to keep you scrolling or watching. It is the very nature of social media to keep you engaged, get your data, and make some money off you with their personalized ads.     When it comes to my consumption of social media I was unaware of how much time I spend scrolling through my favorite platforms on a day to day basis. In the past week alone, across all the social media sites I use, there was a combine