
Showing posts from January, 2021

My Media Consumption

  YouTube           Out of every news source I consume on a daily basis, Youtube has to be number 1. I watch hours upon hours of youtube throughout a single day and it is my favorite media platform. There is no reading involved for about 90% of the videos on the platform, which makes it easy to follow and very informative. There is also millions of content creators so if you don't like the way one person is relaying the news, no problem, you can just find another creator who works better with your personality. Even if you aren't looking for news, you can find cat videos which are just as informative. The New York Times     The New York Times is one of the very few "formal" new sources that I use. I wouldn't say its my favorite, but with so many varying opinions and multiple different sections the New York Times is a great place to get your news. If you don't want an opinion piece, thats fine you can always skip them, only want the latest scoop in sports, they