My Media Consumption


    Out of every news source I consume on a daily basis, Youtube has to be number 1. I watch hours upon hours of youtube throughout a single day and it is my favorite media platform. There is no reading involved for about 90% of the videos on the platform, which makes it easy to follow and very informative. There is also millions of content creators so if you don't like the way one person is relaying the news, no problem, you can just find another creator who works better with your personality. Even if you aren't looking for news, you can find cat videos which are just as informative.

    The New York Times is one of the very few "formal" new sources that I use. I wouldn't say its my favorite, but with so many varying opinions and multiple different sections the New York Times is a great place to get your news. If you don't want an opinion piece, thats fine you can always skip them, only want the latest scoop in sports, they have a section for that. The Times is such a condensed and precise form of news that honestly more young people should utilize. The idea of reading a newspaper has become so foreign to people in todays society, which is why the New York Times has all their news online, whcih makes it even more accessible in this digital age.


    Instagram is probably my second favorite media source that I consume on a daily basis. While some use the platform for regular news, Instagram is my home for ever bit of sports news. I follow the best pages that get the quickest updates, and are the first to post if something big happens in the sports world. I even have notifications on for instagram so I can get the updates I need in order to stay up to date in the conversation. It also has a wide variety of content on their platform, and you can always be sure that you will find something or someone that peaks your interests, however Instagram is great at hooking you in though, it can be dangerous and addictive if you aren't careful. 

    Twitter is not a platform I actively use and post on, It is more like Instagram in the way that I am able to get the most up to date sports news. There are a lot of sports analysts and media representatives that get the most reliable and quickest updates. Twitter recently has lost a lot of hold for me due to the way they are censoring a large amount of people with little or no rhyme or reason as to why. Twitter is definitely the most "user friendly" out of all the media sources, it is so easy to scroll for two hours and then soon realize you should have been studying. 

    ESPN is probably my favorite sports news outlet on the internet, they have an easy interface and have almost every score to every game for the past thirty years. It's one of my favorite websites to do research on my sports media classes and it makes finding all the stats that you need for a story incredibly easy. If I want the score and stats of Super Bowl 40, they have them. They also have great articles that are pumped out every day. They even allow you to have your favorite sports and teams be highlighted, making it easy for you to find exactly what you want. They make it very easy for their website to the the "one stop shop" for all the information you need about sports.


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