
 Resistance and Revolution: The Anti-Vietnam War Movement at the University  of Michigan, 1965-1972


    When looking at I noticed that the site itself seemed unpolished and unfinished. It reminded me of the sites from the early 2000s where everything was in boxes and the screen never seemed to be centered. I was honestly quite shocked by it, I was thinking the website would be a well up-kept site, but then I started to think about why the site might be self built. Anti-War propaganda is not popular within most governments, and those who say they do not wish to go to war can be seen as unpatriotic and will be ostracized by the media. It happened back in 2001 after the terrorist attacks on the pentagon and world trade centers. Since it was an incredibly gruesome attack the government was drumming up support for war in Iraq. The American people were behind it, most of the media was behind it, but those who were not got kicked to the dirt. I can now understand why a website creation company like a squarespace would have no interest in carrying an Anti-war website. It also makes sense that there in a donation button for the creators and writers of the site. They are doing this for basically nothing other then getting their message out to the people. The site though unpolished does have some great articles and views on the world today. Though you may not agree with them they show you a more diverse world and more diverse thoughts. 


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