CyberSecurityPulse: PyeongChang Olympics: A New False Flag Attack? - Think  Big

False Flags

    False flags by definition is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of the act as a second party, then blaming that second party. In more simple terms a false flag is a covert operation that is used to blame a person, government, or country for something that you set up. False flags have been prevalent in our world for hundreds of years. False Flags are incredibly common and are most often used to undermine political opponents, during times of war, and is a main tactic in espionage. Larger world powers have used false flags for years and almost every Global Superpower has used them in order to benefit them in their endeavors. The United States is no stranger to using false flags, Operation Northwoods, Operation WASHTUB, The Piazza Fontana Bombing, and Operation PBFortune. And when it comes to other countries the list grows. Other famous false flags include Operation Himmler and and the Gliewitz Incident by Nazi Germany, Operation Susannah (The Lavon Affair) by Israel, and “Little Green Men” by Russia.

    Operation Northwoods (AKA “Justification of US Military Intervention in Cuba”) was a proposed false flag operation that would of had planes painted to look like Cuban Military planes, they would stage a terrorist attack on a US Airliner, blowing it out of the sky. After they would state that the plane was filled with college students on a planned trip. They would also stage bombings and killings in the streets of major American cities, the attackers would be dressed as Cuban refugees. JFK was appalled by the plan and stopped the operation from happening.    

    Operation Himmler (AKA Operation Canned Goods) was a Nazi military operation that used staged scenes of Polish aggression against Nazi Germany to justify the invasion of Poland. The scenes were false attacks on Nazi officers and German people. The staged scenes used polish men, women, and children who were already in Nazi concentration camps.

    Operation WASHTUB was a US Military and CIA backed operation to plant a Soviet Union weapons cache in Nicaragua to show that Guatemalan President Jacobo Arbenz had ties to the Soviet Union. The operation failed after the Nicaraguan press gave little attention to the story, and the cache of weapons became an urban legend.


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